Wine tavern

Our wine tavern

Our winery has its own adjacent wine tavern – a place where customers can sample and also purchase our wines. It’s also an ideal spot to relax – in the summertime, in our garden and on the terrace – and enjoy an authentic Tyrolean “Brettljause” (simple and hearty snack). We offer an assortment of bacons, sausages, and cheeses from our own production. The name of our tavern refers to that master German painter of the Renaissance, Albrecht Dürer, who, while journeying to Italy, passed through Salurn / Salorno in the year 1494 and sketched a few landscapes of the area.

Because, without exception, we make all of the wines in our assortment, we are intimately familiar with each step of the process which the wine must go through before it is finally bottled. You can learn from vintner Dietrich exactly where your favorite wine comes from and how it was made. In the CEO wine tavern, you can sample our entire collection of wines and soak up the natural atmosphere and picturesque hominess of a South Tyrolean wine cellar. Please come to one of our wine-tastings – and bring your friends with you!

Our wine tavern upholds the same high quality standards as does our vineyard. In our tavern, you’ll find almost exclusively regional and seasonal products – this is reflected in the changing assortment of delicacies you’ll find on our bill of fare.

Business hours

Closed: Tuesday

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Saturday, Sunday
10.00 – 22.00